Hello heroes of the sun,
I'm back after a long break! During my digital abstinence, I've made a huge observation that I'd like to share with you. I've already touched on the digital world in one of my previous posts. Today I'd like to talk more about children's digital consumption, which has been on my mind for a long time. I have the feeling that more and more children are missing out on real life and are now only active in the parallel universe of the digital world. My dream team RoLa is also fascinated by tablets & co. They love the moving pictures and don't feel like they are alone because there are movements and sounds. At the same time, the real world seems to be becoming less and less interesting for the little ones. My nephew and niece are less and less able to keep themselves occupied on their own. My sister had actually thought that her children would play RoLa together, but fiddlesticks. After two minutes at the latest, one of them is screaming or crying. Typical siblings.
Playing with friends: In the past vs today
With children's friendships today, for example, it is becoming less and less common for people to drop by spontaneously and play with classic toys together. In the age of smartphones, everyone expects the visit to be announced before it rings. When Roy, for example, arranges to meet up, the meetings usually revolve around who has scored the most points in a game app. I've noticed that RoLa's eyesight has also deteriorated since my brother-in-law Walf got him a tablet. The tablet is really useful in everyday life when the children can't keep themselves occupied and the parents don't have time. The children are drawn to the technical devices like a magnet.
When I'm with the children, I try to use my smartphone as little as possible to set an example. I also want to teach the children that playing "real" games together is much more fun. It's also healthier and makes everyone involved more balanced ;)
I'm already looking forward to the upcoming Christmas holidays. Especially at this time of year, we traditionally play a lot of board games after we've had a magical meal. What are your observations/experiences of children's digital consumption? I am looking forward to your feedback! Yours

For more pictures of my experiences with RoLa (nephew & niece) please visit my Instagram profile.