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Don't touch - Problems in the everyday life of spacing

In times of the pandemic, people find it incredibly difficult to keep their distance in places that are still populated, such as the supermarket, and to really stay at home.

So the days I had a situation in the supermarket that I no longer thought existed in this exceptional situation. When I already entered the supermarket, some customers were frantically moving around the supermarket. I wanted to get only the most necessary things (no toilet paper!).

This turned out to be a bit difficult. First, some things (flour, etc.) were completely sold out and on the other hand, customers who do not think. For example, when I was standing in front of a shelf, I was jostled from behind. No "excuse me, I have to pass" or ever kept the prescribed 2 meter distance. Finally arriving at the checkout, many people did not keep the minimum distance. Many other customers are not even aware of why the current physical distance regulations exist. They do not even realize what they cause with their negligent behavior and what consequences this could have for society as a whole. This reckless behavior of many fellow human beings is frightening. It is important that the entire society understands that we must stick together to overcome this crisis as well. Selfishness is OUT and community is IN! Every individual can do little things to help us keep the COVID 19 virus at bay.

The following things are helpful in containing the spread of the virus:

  • Wash hands sufficiently with soap.

  • Use disinfectant when traveling.

  • If possible, avoid physical contact: Do not shake hands, etc.

  • Do not touch door handles, etc. with hands.

  • Do not touch face with unwashed hands.

  • Sneeze into elbows.

  • Keep 2m distance from people, be it in supermarket, bus, train, pharmacy etc.

  • Stay at home if possible.

Don't touch: day-to-day problems with social distancing
Don't touch: day-to-day problems with social distancing

Especially in these times, one should not be selfish and not care what happens to others. One's own actions do not only affect oneself, but can influence the life of the whole society.

Especially the many heroes in the hospital and many places more fight daily for the good of society and want to save lives. By appealing "We'll stay here for you. Please stay at home for us" by doctors and nursing staff, it becomes clear that the health care system has long since reached capacity and that any further burden means endangering human lives.

In order to relieve the heroes of our everyday life who are currently working for our society and its assurance of our care, it is important to consider what steps are necessary or what can I leave undone. In this context I would like to say THANK YOU to the heroes for all cases! Thank you for existing and taking the risk to keep our society going.

Hero for all occasions
Hero for all occasions

What do you think about it?

Stay healthy and take care of each other!


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 From Stuttgart with ♥


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