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Self-reflection: Listen to your inner voice again!

You decide if you are happy.
You decide if you are happy.


Then and when

slow down the pace, stop,

quietly perceive what is around us,

what protects us, threatens us, delights us, challenges us, encourages us,

readjust and realign ourselves.

Then and when

slow down, stop the pace,

sit down and let sit what moves within us.

Noticing our structures, seeing what and how we are.

Then and when

slow down, stop the tempo,

let images rise from our depths,

be grateful and see what they want to show us, where they point us.

- Max Feigenwinter -n, was sie uns zeigen wollen, wohin sie uns weisen.

- Max Feigenwinter -

Time we take is time that gives us something
Time we take is time that gives us something

Faster and faster, further and further. Our society has been forced by the coronavirus to slow down. Even before that, some people consciously took a break from the digital world for a certain period of time in order to escape the information overload and to listen to themselves again. The current situation is exactly the right time to cleanse your body thoroughly, to strengthen yourself for the time during and after the pandemic.

Sometimes distance is the best medicine.
Sometimes distance is the best medicine.

Here I give you a few tips on how you can listen to your inner voice again and find access to the power source of inspiration.

It is important to banish from our lives everything that robs us of time and unnecessary energy and wastes it. Because we have the choice and can decide how we want to spend the time of life.

  • It feels good to do something for ourselves with complete conviction. It releases endorphins and strengthens our personality.

  • Schedule conscious self-reflection as a regular appointment in your weekly schedule so that this ritual doesn't get lost in the stress of everyday life.

  • Turn off your smartphone during this time to avoid distracting factors.

  • Relaxation and rest are important indicators to access your inner voice. The following techniques, for example, can help:

  1. Being mindful in everyday life, slowing everything down, pausing to take a deep breath.

  2. Meditation

  3. Walks in nature

  4. Yoga

  5. Autogenic training

Ask yourself: What is really good for me or what is pointless and only blocks me?

Self reflection - How to hear your inner voice again
Self reflection - How to hear your inner voice again

Only in this way can we feel what we really want and thus shape life the way it feels right and not because the outside world expects it. What you do with the information of the inner voice in the end is the question of courage. No one said it would be easy. Mindfulness gives one the opportunity to reflect on one's past life and actions and to shape one's future life. What do I want? What makes me happy, satisfied and perfect?

If you want to answer these questions or realize the answers, it is important that you integrate ME TIME into your everyday life, so that the connection to your subconscious mind is not broken, you can recharge energy and your needs are not forgotten in the jungle of everyday life.

Satisfied people shape the world into a more beautiful place.

Have you ever done Digital Detox or other deceleration cures?


For more inspiration, feel free to visit my Instagram profile.

Contact us, we look forward to your request!

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 From Stuttgart with ♥


© 2023 Traumrausch®

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